How Much if you’re Riverside Car Accident Worth?

 As a winning Riverside car accident lawyer, one of the most common questions we get from clients during their free initial consultation is: how much is my Riverside car accident case worth? And of course, you want to know! The value of your case depends on so many factors, many of which are completely out of control. On the most general level, the bigger the impact the accident has had on you physically and financially the more your case is going to be worth. As a winning Riverside car accident attorney, give us a call today now for a totally free case evaluation and find out a realistic amount now!

What goes into your Riverside Car Accident case value?

Lots of things go into the amount of money your Riverside car crash is worth, including:

1.     Injuries and impact: The base of your case value is really the impact the accident has had on your—current and future medical bills, missed work, emotional distress, etc.

2.     Fault: California is a comparative negligence state when it comes to personal injury and wrongful death car crashes meaning that the fault of each side is compared and the settlement amounts adjusted accordingly. When this is your scenario where you played a role in your accident, you do not want to try to handle your case on your own!

3.     Insurance policy coverage: This is the element of the case value that is mostly out of your control—how much insurance the other side and you have to cover everything. In a lot of situations, there is not enough money on the responsible side but we also work to cover things as much as possible with an uninsured and under insured claim against your own insurance. Whether it is your policy or the other, insurance companies work tirelessly to fight and underpay you which is why you want to have the best Riverside car accident lawyer on your side and you will get that with Walch Law.

Call the Best Riverside Car Accident Attorney Today

When you want to get the most money possible following a car crash, you want to make sure that you call Walch Law right away. Highly experienced, available to start today and a 98%+ success record—we will fight for you! We take all our cases on a contingency fee basis which means you pay us nothing unless we get you paid. Call now to set up your totally free consultation with Gary and Robert Walch! 1-844-999-5342


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