What NOT To Do Following A North Hollywood Car Accident


As a winning North Hollywood car accident lawyer, there are things you can do to increase the value of your case and there are things you can do to decrease the value of your case. This blog focuses on the latter…




1.     DO NOT admit fault: Here’s the thing—California is a comparative negligence state so even if you played a role in your accident, you can still file a winning case with a car accident attorney North Hollywood for a lot of money. What you say following a crash matters so limit your comments and let us do the talking.


2.    DO NOT accept early settlement offers: When you have a good case, you may also might be surprised by a quick settlement offer from the other sides insurance company and it can be tempting. You may need the money…you definitely have a desire for things to be done…and you may think that hiring a lawyer sounds like more than a hassle than it is worth. Those early offers are intended to do that but if you accept it, then your case is done. Do yourself a favor and have us review it for you—they are typically tens of thousands of dollars less than you deserve!!


3.     DO NOT delay: Generally speaking, you have two years from the date of your accident to file a car accident personal injury claim but why wait that long? Evidence is best fresh and filing the suit while you are still receiving medical treatment and even start getting you payments from your own insurance or setting up a medical lien so you do not feel so out of pocket on things.


Car Accident Lawyer North Hollywood- Walch Law Firm

When you are looking for the best Car accident lawyer North Hollywood, look no further than the highly experienced team at Walch Law to maximize your case value. With over 40 years of experience and a 98%+ success rate, Walch Law knows how to win North Hollywood car accident cases and would love to help get you the most money possible following your accident. Ready to get started today and always available to our clients, call NOW to learn more! 1-844-999-5342


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