Van Nuys Truck Accident Lawyer

When someone is hurt or dies in a collision with a big rig, the aftermath can be chaotic and confusing. The emotional and physical trauma can lead to financial problems for the victims and their loved ones. They may also be subject to high medical bills and loss of income. The liable party, and possibly their employer, might be held responsible for any resulting damages. Our truck accident lawyer Van Nuys will help you decide the best way to approach the claims.



Our legal team will immediately get to work to gather all evidence and create the most substantial possible claim. Our success rate in truck accident cases is a testament to our ability to win. Insurance companies across California know that we won't hesitate to use them if they refuse to cooperate.


What does the term "Compensatory Damages" mean?


Some of the most common losses after a truck accident are medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering. These are called "compensatory damages", and their purpose is to "make the injured person whole again."

There are two types de compensatory damages: economic and non-economic. Non-economic damages are the intangible effects of a tort, such as pain and suffering or loss of enjoyment.


How are damages calculated?


The answer to this question depends on the circumstances--specifically, the injuries sustained, the kinds of damages incurred, the amount of time it will take you to reach maximum medical improvement, and several other factors.

Receipts, invoices, or other documentation can often be used to prove economic damages already incurred. To confirm the damages, you will likely need to depose several experts to seek compensation for future medical bills or loss of future income. These experts could include financial experts, vocational experts, or medical experts.


Non-economic damages can't be objectively proven, so another method is required to approximate their value. Our Van Nuys truck accident lawyers use the multiplier method to calculate the non-economic damage. This means that your medical expenses are multiplied by a number that typically falls between 1.5 to 5. The severity of your injuries will determine the multiplier.

Non-economic damages can be calculated using a "per Diem approach" by some lawyers. This means that a dollar amount is assigned to each day of the plaintiff's maximum medical improvement.


What factors could influence the potential settlement figure?


There is no guarantee that your case will be settled at a specific amount. However, one of our Van Nuys truck accident lawyers can help you understand the factors that could affect the settlement calculation in your case. These factors could include:


The cost of medical care: After a collision with a commercial truck, medical bills can quickly mount up. The cost of medical care, including emergency treatment, may be covered by insurance.


The Permanently of Your Injuries Permanent and long-term injuries are more likely to be awarded financial damages than temporary injuries.


No matter if you have suffered scarring, permanent disability, or disfigurement: The calculation of pain and suffering damages could be affected by the nature of your injuries.


The Income Loss: The calculation of lost income will be affected by your salary and days off work before the accident.


How much does it cost to repair your property? It is possible to recover the cost of property replacement or repairs.


Whether Punitive Damages are Justified Option Punitive damages may be possible if you can prove that the defendant committed fraud, oppression or malice.


Can I sue the trucking company?


Perhaps. It might be possible to hold the truck driver's employer vicariously responsible for your injuries if their negligence caused the accident. Vicarious liability will apply to your case depending on whether the truck driver is an employee or an independent contractor. Independent contractors are exempt from vicarious liability. You must prove the other party's employment status. It is possible that the trucker wasn't performing work-related duties at the time of the accident, but you could not hold them vicariously responsible for your damages.


Arrange a free case review with a Van Nuys Truck Accident Lawyer


To get the strategic advice you need, you don't have any upfront costs. Our law firm is available 24 hours a day, seven days a semaine to answer your calls. You can schedule a consultation for free by calling 1-844-999-5342 or sending us a message via our Contact Page.


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