Filing a Strong Personal Injury Case Claim

It doesn’t take more than a second for a serious accident to result in grievous pain and emotional injuries and distress. Many victims never truly recover, which makes it critical to find a capable personal injury lawyer Simi Valley for filing your lawsuit.

Steps to Strengthen Personal Injury Lawsuit

Your Simi Valley personal injury lawyer will explain that filing a personal injury claim is not a straightforward process. You may face a dispute at any moment of the proceedings which may derail the entire case. You never know that the insurance company will pay a fair settlement even if your personal injury attorney Simi Valley has strong evidence to prove fault. These are a few steps you can take to ensure you have a strong case:

1.    Undergo Medical Evaluation Immediately: You should get medical attention right away even if your injuries are minor. It is essential that you get a medical evaluation if you intend to file a claim. It may be difficult to prove the severity of your injuries or tie them to the accident. 



2.     Preserve All Evidence: Sometimes, the most insignificant piece of evidence may prove to be the vital component in making or breaking a case. You should attempt at preserving all evidence in its truest form. This is one of the reasons why you should retain a Simi Valley personal injury attorney at the earliest. Attorneys have a team of personal investigators and experts that know how to retain evidence.

3.    Refrain from Speaking to the Insurance Company: You should take proactive steps to not speak with anyone from the insurance carrier. They may ask seemingly straightforward questions, such as whether you remember your actions right before the accident or the body parts that are in most pain. However, your answers to these questions may be taken out of context. Insurance carriers are not on your side. Their sole aim is to reduce the claim amount in any way possible.

4.    Do Not Post on Social Media: You should try and limit your social media activity. In fact, you should refrain from posting anything about the accident on social media. Insurance companies often make use of social media posts to dispute damages and liability claims.

5.    Follow All Doctor’s Orders: Your Simi Valley personal injury lawyer will let you know that you should not do anything that can be used by the insurance company as a dispute. You are less likely to face a dispute if you follow all doctor’s orders.

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer in Simi Valley

The attorney team at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch are dedicated and prepared to help you recover maximum compensation. We are experienced in a wide array of personal injury lawsuits. Get in touch with us today by calling at 844-999-5342 or filling out this contact form.


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