Types of Damages in Motorcycle Accident Claim


Motorcycles are among the most dangerous modes of transportation. In fact, people who like the exhilaration and thrill of traveling unfettered are 26 times more at risk of being severely injured in a traffic accident as compared to other people. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are subject to prejudice when it comes to legal claims. This makes it crucial to retain the services of the best Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney.

Types of Damages

You can file a legal claim to obtain economic and non-economic damages. Your Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney will help you recover compensation for lost present and future income along with:

·        Medical expenses

·        Nursing home costs

·        Assistive devices

·        Home alterations

·        Property damage

There are several intangibles in a motorcycle accident claim as well. This is why you should work with a capable Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer. Few of the more common non-economic damages include:

·        Pain and suffering

·        Permanent disability

·        Disfigurement

·        Loss of consortium

·        Loss of enjoyment of life

The best Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney will also help you win punitive damages if the accident was because of extreme negligence or recklessness on the responsible party’s part.



Causes of Los Angeles Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are routinely caused by inattentive drivers. They are less visible on the roadway since they are narrower and much smaller. Most common causes of motorcycle accidents include:

·        Unsafe lane changes

·        Speeding

·        Opening doors into oncoming traffic

·        Sudden stops

·        Careless turns

Motorcyclists may be awarded damages even when the other driver is not at fault. This can be because of the negligence of other third parties, like manufacturers and municipal parties. Your Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney should be able to help you identify all responsible parties.

Other regular causes of motorcycle accidents include:

·        Debris on the roadway

·        Slippery road surfaces

·        Potholes

·        Damaged or poorly maintained streetlights

·        Damaged or poorly maintained traffic signals

·        Unsafe or incorrect repairs from licensed mechanic

·        Manufacturing defects

Lane Splitting in California

It is possible for a motorcyclist to be partially responsible for the accident. This is usually the case with lane splitting even though it is legal in California. You need a capable Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer if you got injured while lane splitting since many police officials, judge, and jury members are biased towards it.

Speak with an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney

It can be difficult navigating a motorcycle accident claim on your behalf. The legal team at the law offices of Gary K. Walch can help you attain the compensation you rightfully deserve. Schedule a free appointment today by calling us at 844-999-5342 or using our online form.


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