
Showing posts from November, 2020

What happens if you aren’t Happy with Your Personal Injury Lawyer?

So you were in an accident and you thought you had hired the best Van Nuys personal injury attorney but things aren’t really going well. A frustration with your Van Nuys personal injury attorney is not uncommon but the good news is this: if you aren’t happy with your lawyer, switch to Walch Law! 3 Things to Know About Switching Your Van Nuys Personal Injury Attorney Interested or know you want to switch your Van Nuys personal injury attorney, here’s what you need to know: 1.       Do it now : The sooner you switch, the better. Not only does it help give you peace of mind leaving the law firm that was not meeting your needs, but it also gives your new law firm a chance to start picking up the slack and ultimately getting you the results you were looking for. 2.       It does not cost you more money : Like almost all Van Nuys personal injury law firms, we take our cases on a contingency fee basis meaning that you do not pay us any...

What Makes A Good Los Angeles Wrongful Death Lawyer?

A wrongful death case is an accident where instead of injuries, there is a death. Tragic and irreversible, the family of a lost loved one has the option to file a wrongful death lawsuit with a wrongful death lawyer in Los Angeles. Filing this type of personal injury lawsuit can not only get the family much-needed financial compensation in the wake of a death, it can also provide a sense of closure and justice and they work to move forward. So what makes a good Los Angeles wrongful death lawyer ? Here are three things to look for: Experience: wrongful death cases are some of the most serious cases out there and they only get more complicated when there are things like split liability and difficult defendants. For instance, if you’re loved one contributed (but not completely) to their accident and the other side is a large corporation (for instance, a deadly Los Angeles truck accident lawyer ), you want a lawyer that knows how to play up the other sides’ responsibility and make them ...